Roitt's Essential Immunology Includes Desktop/E 13/E
PART 1: Fundamentals of Immunology
1. Innate immunity 3
2. Specifi c acquired immunity 35
3. Antibodies 53
4. Membrane receptors for antigen 79
5. The primary interaction with antigen 113
6. Immunological methods and applications 141
7. The anatomy of the immune response 188
8. Lymphocyte activation 205
9. The production of effectors 226
10. Control mechanisms 263
11. Ontogeny and phylogeny 283
PART 2: Applied Immunology
12. Adversarial strategies during infection 313
13. Vaccines 345
14. Immunodefi ciency 369
15. Allergy and other hypersensitivities 394
16. Transplantation 423
17. Tumor immunology 445
18. Autoimmune diseases 475
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