

The Immune System 5/E

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  • 상품이미지 1

상품 정보 표
소비자 가격 62,000
판매가격 62,000
적립금 620원 (구매확정 시 지급)
저자명 Parham
출판사 W. W. Norton
출판년도 2021.03.22
페이지 624
ISBN 9780393533378
배송비 무료배송

선택한 상품

  • 상품수량

총 합계금액 62,000

A thoroughly updated introduction to immunology, now with powerful online assessment and robust instructor resources.

The Immune System is a concise yet thorough human-oriented introduction to how the human immune system works. It provides an up-to-date presentation of the field, written in an accessible style, replete with relevant medical examples. Plentiful illustrations and micrographs complement and illuminate the explanations. The Fifth Edition is supported by InQuizitive, Norton’s award-winning, easy-to-use adaptive learning tool that provides student practice and promotes critical thinking.

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