Genetics Genes Genomes and Evolution
1:Darwin's Finches: Evolution, Genomes, and Genes
2:The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
3:Genome Structure, Organization, and Variation
4:Descent with Modification: DNA Replication and Mutation
5:The Inheritance of Single Gene Traits
6:The Cellular Basis for Mendelian Genetics
7:X-linked Genes and Sex Chromosomes
8:The Inheritance of Multiple Genes
9:The Locations of Genes on Chromosomes: Linkage and Genetic Maps
10:Human Genetic Mapping, Genome Wide Association Studies, and Complex Traits
11:Exchange and Evolution
12:Transcription: Reading and Expressing Genes
13:Translation: From Nucleic Acids to Amino Acids
14:Networks of Gene Regulation
15:Genetic Analysis of Cellular Processes
16:The Genetics of Populations
17:Metagenomes: Genome Analysis of Communities
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