


0% SALE 상품이미지 최대 사이즈

  • 상품이미지 1

상품 정보 표
소비자 가격 40,000
판매가격 40,000
적립금 400원 (구매확정 시 지급)
저자명 RaymondS.Ochs
출판사 Jones & Bartlett
출판년도 2014
페이지 414
ISBN 9781449661373
배송비 무료배송

선택한 상품

  • 상품수량

총 합계금액 40,000

Biochemistry is a single-semester text designed for undergraduate non-biochemistry majors. Accessible, engaging, and informative, Biochemistry is the perfect introduction to the subject for students who may approach chemistry with apprehension. Biochemistry’s unique emphasis on metabolism and its kinetic underpinnings gives the text up-to-the-minute relevance for students investigating current public health concerns such as obesity and diabetes. Biochemistry will encourage students to explore the basics of chemistry and its influence on biological problems. Biochemistry provides students with a broad understanding of contemporary advances in molecular biology. Its innovative approach will challenge students to develop connections across multiple concepts, and sets Biochemistry apart in a crowded field. Biochemistry is an invaluable and user-friendly resource. This innovative text for non-biochemistry majors includes: • Introductory material at the beginning of each chapter that contextualizes chapter themes in real-life scenarios • Clear list of objectives for each chapter • Online supporting materials with further opportunities for research and investigation • Synthesis questions at the end of each chapter that encourage students to make connections between concepts and ideas, as well as develop critical-thinking skills


이 도서의 목차 보기
1. Foundations
2. Water
3. Lipids
4. Carbohydrates
5. Amino Acids and Proteins
6. Enzymes
7. Metabolism and nergetics
8. Glycolysis
9. The Krebs Cycle
10. Oxidation hosphorylation
11. Photosynthesis
12. Carbohydrate Pathways Related to
13. Lipid Metabolism
14. Nitrogen Metabolism
15. Nucleic Acids
16. Protein Synthesis and Degradation

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