World Business English
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Unit 1. Greeting and Hobbies 1
Word Practice 1
Dialogue 1. You are always busy. 2
Dialogue 2. We solved all problems. 3
Dialogue 3. What's your favorite sport? 4
Dialogue 4. I don't have any plans yet. 5
Review Exercise 6
Practical Exercise 7
Mini Exercise 8
Unit 2. Weather 9
Word Practice 9
Dialogue 1. How hot the weather is today. 10
Dialogue 2. It's such a hot day. 11
Dialogue 3. The tap is dripping all day. 12
Dialogue 4. The drought conditions are severe! 13
Review Exercise 14
Practical Exercise 15
Mini Exercise 16
Unit 3. Going Out 17
Word Practice 17
Dialogue 1. Do you want to come with us? 18
Dialogue 2. I'm going to take a subway. 19
Dialogue 3. We can go out now. 20
Dialogue 4. The director seems to like me. 21
Review Exercise 22
Practical Exercise 23
Mini Exercise 24
Unit 4. Ordering Foods 25
Word Practice 25
Dialogue 1. This restaurant looks nice. 26
Dialogue 2. Rare, medium, or well-done? 27
Dialogue 3. How do you want your beef? 28
Dialogue 4. Make it small, please. 29
Review Exercise 30
Practical Exercise 31
Mini Exercise 32
Unit 5. Asking Directions 33
Word Practice 33
Dialogue 1. Send me a text message. 34
Dialogue 2. The mall is on the left. 35
Dialogue 3. The hotel is next to the station. 36
Dialogue 4. Go straight down this road. 37
Review Exercise 38
Practical Exercise 39
Mini Exercise 40
Unit 6. Workplace 41
Word Practice 41
Dialogue 1. The company keeps losing money. 42
Dialogue 2. There's too much work. 43
Dialogue 3. I'll keep that in mind. 44
Dialogue 4. Do you have any plan this Saturday? 45
Review Exercise 46
Practical Exercise 47
Mini Exercise 48
Unit 7. Medical and Health 49
Word Practice 49
Dialogue 1. I have a pain in my stomach. 50
Dialogue 2. You look so bad. 51
Dialogue 3. I'm on a diet to lose weight. 52
Dialogue 4. I didn't sleep well last night. 53
Review Exercise 54
Practical Exercise 55
Mini Exercise 56
Unit 8. Vacation and Shopping 57
Word Practice 57
Dialogue 1. I had a great time on the beach. 58
Dialogue 2. We went to the South East Asia. 59
Dialogue 3. They may be out of stock. 60
Dialogue 4. We can enjoy browsing. 61
Review Exercise 62
Practical Exercise 63
Mini Exercise 64
Unit 9. Interview and Job 65
Word Practice 65
Dialogue 1. I'm calling for the job opening. 66
Dialogue 2. How can I apply for the job? 67
Dialogue 3. They will ask some important questions. 68
Dialogue 4. Jimmy went out of business. 69
Review Exercise 70
Practical Exercise 71
Mini Exercise 72
Unit 10. Food and Table 73
Word Practice 73
Dialogue 1. It tastes bad. 74
Dialogue 2. The food is so good. 75
Dialogue 3. How do you want me to cut it? 76
Dialogue 4. It's my treat. 77
Review Exercise 78
Practical Exercise 79
Mini Exercise 80
Unit 11. Telephone and Reservation 81
Word Practice 81
Dialogue 1. I'm calling about the apartment. 82
Dialogue 2. You have the wrong number. 83
Dialogue 3. What time will you be arriving? 84
Dialogue 4. Your reservation is made. 85
Review Exercise 86
Practical Exercise 87
Mini Exercise 88
Unit 12. Traffic Problem 89
Word Practice 89
Dialogue 1. Let's take the road. 90
Dialogue 2. You can't park here. 91
Dialogue 3. Didn't you see the red light? 92
Dialogue 4. I heard you bought a car. 93
Review Exercise 94
Practical Exercise 95
Mini Exercise 96
Unit 13. Friends at a Campus 97
Word Practice 97
Dialogue 1. I can play the song. 98
Dialogue 2. He has her phone number. 99
Dialogue 3. I'm going to miss you. 100
Dialogue 4. I wonder what they are doing. 101
Review Exercises 102
Practical Exercises 103
Mini Exercise 104
Answers (정답과 해설) 105
1. Word Practice (단어연습 정답과 해석) 105
2. Practical Exercises (실전문제 정답과 해석) 112
3. Mini Exercise (정답) 122
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